
Temporality | The Process of Time

Center for Maine Contemporary Art

November 2, 2019 - February 29, 2020

Time is a material, too. – Joan Jonas

Exploring ideas of repetition, duration, and process, Temporality looks at how contemporary artists are using time as a means of making. The exhibition explores the question of what is time, and how do we measure and give value to time? One certainty is that artists need time to make their work and viewers need time to look. In a society that’s constantly on the move, the artists included in the exhibition are asking the viewer to slow down and consider the relevance of time, resulting in work that uses time as a material including painting, photography, sculpture, installation, video, and others.

Temporality | The Process of Time is the second in an ongoing series addressing current themes in contemporary art in alternating years from the CMCA Biennial. Materiality | The Matter of Matter was the first of the series, taking place in 2017.

Artists in the exhibition include:

Gideon Bok

Astrid Bowlby

Caleb Charland

Amy Stacey Curtis

Nathan Kroms Davis

Grace DeGennaro

Clint Fulkerson

Carly Glovinski

Robin Mandel

Danica Phelps

Julie Poitras Santos

Jesse Potts

Kate Russo

Deborah Wing-Sproul