Stone Works
5-gallon buckets, video, acrylic, plaster rocks
1 cubic foot of limestone = 150 lbs
Cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket = 0.66
Daughter at 7 years = 45 lbs
Stone Works is part of an ongoing series of video and installation work that consider ideas of care and the work involved in motherhood, the work of being an artist, how to work at both; and how this suggests concerns of care for the environment for future generations. This includes video in which I complete different durational, performative tasks with a 5-gallon bucket of natural materials including water, salt, and stones filled with an amount that weighs the same as my young daughter incorporated with physical objects that reflect the activity. The works began while at residencies, away from my family and home, and the idea of being away. It has since transformed since the pandemic to include an awareness of how these roles expand and shift in unexpected and sometimes difficult ways. The settings of the videos look to both the natural and constructed landscapes as a means to interact with and reflect on both, leading me to new considerations of how video is viewed and expanding on methods of presentation. Stone Works includes videos created recently while at a residency in the Flint Hills of Kansas and incorporates the limestone that is prevalent throughout the area.